Can I be happy when others suffer?

Can I be happy when others suffer?
Photo: Icon painting misfortune / pixabay geralt

Minimize suffering and help others

Anyone who imagines feeling pure happiness while dear fellow human beings are suffering will find it funny. Everyone will have been through difficult situations with friends or family members and know what it's like.

Can I be happy while the other person is suffering?

To build one's own happiness on the misfortunes of others would be wrong. To know that there are people and animals (in other countries) who work on inhumane conditions for the wealth of Europe is equally unacceptable. Ideally, no one should have to suffer so that we are well. A lot is already being done for this. The world is changing on many levels, but there is still a lot to do in this area. It is important not to neglect these issues or even to classify them as unimportant. Everyone should be aware of their own happiness. Let's take 2023 as an opportunity to question once again how other people or even animals are doing and whether their unhappiness is related to our happiness. If so, there are many approaches and possibilities to optimize one's own actions in order to counteract the suffering. The following questions may be relevant for this:

  • Who is responsible for making my clothes? Is my clothing extremely short-lived and cheap?
  • Do I always buy my food packaged or are there many foods that I also buy loose? Does this create a lot of garbage? What happens to my garbage when it has been picked up? Can I reduce it?
  • Do I eat a lot of food? Do they contain animal products? Which animals die for my food?
  • Do I buy a lot of water and milk? Does the water come from regions with low drinking water? Do I want to continue to drink breast milk of a cow every day while the calf is taken away from her?
  • Which companies are often criticized in the media on the subject of human dignity? Do I buy a lot of it?
  • What political position do I represent? Does this exclude or offend other people?
  • Do I often visit the circus or other animal shows? Do I know if the animals are doing well?
  • Do I shop a lot regionally or is everything flown in by plane? How environmentally harmful is flying? What do large cargo ships or cruise ships emit to the environment? Do I fly a lot myself?
  • Are there people in my environment whom I have always wanted to help? Am I missing the last impulse to donate money to an organization? (Women's shelters, children's homes, ...)

In everyday life, it is not always possible to be aware of these questions and find the time to question things. But it feels good to make the world a little better. Not every question needs to be answered immediately or the whole life turned upside down. Anyone who tries to question a little more of their own happiness every day and to inform themselves is learning and improving every day. By doing so, you not only help yourself to discover yourself anew, but also others.

But what about everyday happiness?

Your girlfriend is in pain. Your grandma is having a hard time getting up the stairs. You look at your parents that they are emotionally drained. Offering help is especially valuable in such situations. In most cases, those affected are grateful for every piece of advice, every hug and all the encouraging words.

In one's self, this help often triggers feelings of happiness. And it's okay to be happy anyway. We can not master everything and not help every dear person in everyday life. Compassion helps. But optimism also helps. It's not always with a "It'll be all right again!" do. But who does it help if you make your life just as painful? If you also let yourself be pulled down, then who has the strength to find the encouraging words? Who then has the energy to carry the shopping up the stairs? And who then still feels able to fight for two?

We are not talking about ignorance or selfishness in this case, but about a combination of compassion and optimism. If you need the power for the day not only for yourself, you should be happy. Write yourself a list of things for which, despite all the adversities, despite the illness of the friend and despite the grief of your grandfather, you are grateful. Fill your own life with as much positive as you can and help others with it.

Find your way!