What influence does the moon have on our happiness?

What influence does the moon have on our happiness?
Photo: Symbolbild Mond / pixabay

What influence does the moon have on our happiness?

The moon is the contrast to the brightness. Contrast with the day. He illuminates the night sky and appears to us only in the dark. We are born into this darkness as human beings. And this is not to be viewed negatively, because the Moon is so much more than just an anchor in the dark. He is energy.

The moon is the symbol for our subconscious, which we carry in us from the very beginning. Even before we consider ourselves as an individual and feel our own will, we are controlled by the energy of the moon.

The moon influences feelings and needs

Each of us has our own needs, which become apparent throughout life. If you push them away and don't go after them, you ignore your own personality. Needs differ - from person to person - from week to week. That's okay. Some days we feel full of energy, while other days are just sad. Feelings and needs are different for everyone and are mainly controlled by the moon.

In the course of our lives, we have forgotten how to listen to ourselves, accept, express and implement our feelings and needs. The key to happiness is so strongly linked to the lunar energy and one's own feelings. If needs remain unfulfilled, we feel uncomfortable or burned out. If we follow them, we will find our own personal happiness.

Those who know the language of the Moon will find energy to create all that is seething inside. Because the moon is the ruler of the planets. It connects the signs of the zodiac with each other and opens the feeling for one's own needs and feelings, but also the togetherness.

Why everyday life is also dependent on the moon

One's own happiness is often put on the back burner. Stress, everyday life, work or the needs of others seem to be more important. The lunar energy shows us exactly when it is time to be there for yourself. Anyone who knows the tides will know what a strong influence the moon has on nature - of which we are a part.

During a month, the Moon passes through all the signs of the zodiac once, and therefore continues every 2 days. For us, this means changing emotions and feelings. If you want to feel the moon mood, do it. Not everyone will succeed in everyday life. But if we feel right into it, we feel the energy of the moon and can accept our changing feelings.

So our different needs are not reprehensible or to be ignored. Much more, we should accept what our subconscious tells us. So we can achieve much more in everyday life. Big decisions would not be made at the worst possible time and happiness would be so much more tangible.

Let us accept the admonition of the moon and feel our needs again. While the sun sensitizes our consciousness, the moon stands for our subconscious. Those who are willing to seek and feel their happiness within themselves may accept the lunar energy as a faithful companion.