Hygge - The Lifestyle of the Lucky

Hygge - The Lifestyle of the Lucky
Photo: Symbolbild Hygge / pixabay Sandra363

A hyggelig life changes you positively!

Surely you have heard about this term before - hygge. But ...

Where does Hygge come from?

The term comes from Norway and means translated: well-being. However, in modern times, hygge appears more in combination with a Danish lifestyle. The positive, cozy and comfortable attitude to life of the Danes is described. In recent years, the statistics on happiness have repeatedly shown: people living in the Scandinavian countries are happier.

What does hygge mean?

The term is usually equated with cordiality, well-being or cosiness. There are also countless Books on the Internet . But above all, hygge is a symbol of small pleasures, a happy everyday life and pleasant togetherness - the light of a candle, a good book, a conversation with a friend or a good meal. There are many things that unite under the term hygge and affect the whole life.

Anyone who concentrates on a hyggelig life, intensively perceives the small positive moments in life, enjoys his favorite tea every day and creates an everyday life that is characterized by security, warmth and security.

What do you need to live a hyggel life?

It is said that the Danes already have hygge in their DNA and pass on happiness to every generation - and apparently it is true when the happiest people live there. But what about us? What can we do if hygge is the key to happiness?

Of course, one cannot ignore the fact that the external circumstances in each country would have to be the same in order to tie directly to the way of life of the Danes. But: Hygge is a concept that offers new options and leads to more well-being in life, regardless of external circumstances. What you need is balance in life. Make time for yourself and enjoy moments with your loved ones at the same time. Use the different possibilities to achieve security and to find a balance in life. The fast pace of today's world often does not make it easy for all of us: But with the necessary mindfulness and the focus on comfort and warmth, everyone succeeds.

Instructions for Hyggeligkeit!

1. Consciously take time out and experience the here and now very intensively. Everyday life often leads to hectic and stress. Get rid of it.

2. Make your home cozy so that you feel comfortable there at all times. Decorate your rooms with candles, cozy blankets and plants. Create an oasis of well-being that evokes discreet cosiness and still leaves enough space for active phases. Usually it's little things that enrich your home.

3. Enjoy your food and treat yourself well. Also Chocolate , Pastries or cakes lift your mood and accompany you on a relaxed path. To do this, drink a warm tea or hot chocolate with cream. Create your favorite place and have a good time there from the inside and outside. Try out new things and feel what is good for you.

4. Use the time with your friends and see it as a balance to your Time with yourself . Invite dear people to you, cook together or laugh at a new movie. It is about community, togetherness, empathy and connectedness. This does not mean an expensive event.

5. Be grateful for your self-care. Remember every day what beautiful moments life has in store, which tea you especially love or which candle scent you associate with the last wonderful encounter.

Hygge is everywhere & always there!

Especially now in winter it's nice to create a cozy nest for yourself, serve your favorite food and turn your back on the dark. But it is not only before Christmas that this way of life is particularly regarded. Throughout the year there are magical moments that lead to greater well-being. In summer it is the view of the evening starry sky, in spring the awakening of the plants and in autumn and winter the warmth of a tea.

Choose things that make you happy, put a smile on your face and balance your everyday life.