Meditation - a trend?

Meditation - a trend?
Photo: Icon painting Meditation / pixabay Schäferle

The effects of Mindfulness and Meditation

Everyone talks about mindfulness and meditation ...

... but what about the trend and how does it affect health?

Always be available, always react to everything immediately and, best of all, always know about everything. Nowadays you are literally flooded with information: the mobile phone in your hand, the TV is running in the background and advertising on every corner. The consequences of unprocessed external impressions are inner restlessness and stress, the latter of which can be the origin of many diseases. In order to minimize this, the inner contemplation is increasingly practiced in the form of meditation.

Where does meditation come from?

The term meditation finds its origin from the Latin "meditatio", which means "thinking" or "pondering". Spiritual practice found its application in the Middle and Far East on the grounds of Hinduism. Today, however, meditation can be practiced completely detached from religions. The goal is to calm his mind through various mindfulness and concentration exercises.

Meditation and Health

A regular meditation practice can have a positive effect on the body and mind. If you are exposed to prolonged stress, the level of the hormone cortisol increases. A permanently high cortisol level in turn has an impact on immune function, high blood pressure, the quality of sleep and the function of the heart. Stress reduction through meditation allows to improve the ability to concentrate, to increase creativity and performance, to reduce anxiety, to lower blood pressure and to develop serenity. But social aspects such as the ability to self-reflection and empathy with others are also strengthened.

The bodyscan as a mindfulness exercise

All you need for this meditation is rest and warm, loose clothing. The body scan is usually performed lying down, which is why an area on which you can lie comfortably is important. This can be the floor, a mat or even the bed. It is neither a mechanical exercise nor a way to rest: the bodyscan is a conscious wandering through the body and its sensations. The journey of the body scan starts from the toes and runs upwards through the entire body: how do the individual body parts feel? How do the calves feel on the pad? Does the back feel tense? Do your arms feel relaxed and heavy? Take your time and feel inside yourself.

The Walking Meditation

Mindful walking does not require any special prerequisites and can therefore be easily integrated into everyday life. This is not about the rushed path from A to B, but about the well-known statement of Confucius: the path is the goal.

Attention is focused solely on walking and breathing. If the thoughts wander, you catch up with them without much pressure and think about walking and breathing again. So arriving in the here and now can be easier. You try to relax more and more with every step and thereby find inner peace, clarity and serenity. Every walk can be transformed into a meditation.


When meditating, a distinction is made between active and passive meditation techniques:

Active meditation techniques

Silent Meditation, Mindfulness Meditation, Concentration Meditation, Transcendental Meditation, Bodyscan, Guided Meditation, Fantasy/Dream trip

Passive Meditation Techniques

Walking Meditation, Vipassana Meditation, Dynamic Meditation, Yoga, Tai-Chi, Tantra